Thursday, January 3, 2019


Cos finding a simple app to use with blogger is too challenging for now. If Wordpress sucks for other reasons will be back. But for now, I am @

Monday, July 9, 2018


Is the bane of humanity. I don’t say we go around being rude and impolite. But this whole tact business has us saying things like ‘I’ll review that and get back to you’ instead of ‘that makes no sense’, and ‘that will need to be considered’ instead ‘no way that can be done’. How is the sheer waste of time and brain cells worth it I ask you? 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Remembering mommy

Her handwriting, a poem she liked that she had written down.


Been so long since I saw one. It still feels like a wondrous thing to see!!

The first photo makes the rainbow feel so close!! And the colors look so clear!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

A cup of yummy

One of the thickest, awesomest cups of chocolate. Orange hot chocolate. Yummmmm.

Lunar eclipse

This photo wasn’t taken by me, but I witnessed this event. A very very clear change in the color of the moon, and a very clear view of the shadows.

Retail madness

The sheer joy I get in buying stuff imcan be seen with the shopping done in one flea market. In my defence, most of this is for other people :).